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2024 / Week 18

Two small updates and one bigger one this week. The main focus was on the edit booking in an order and the confirmation page update.

Application updates

  • Booking cutoff in hours: Now it's possible to set a booking cutoff in hours for a trip
  • Participant passport number: Added a new field for a participant, the passport number
  • Improved editing for a booking in an order: Better editing for a booking in an order
  • Confirmation page updates: Improved the design for the public order confirmation page
  • Bug fixes All the usual weekly bug fixes

Product updates

I had a really productive week. Passport number and booking cutoff are pretty small updates, but the edit booking in an order is a lot bigger. The edit feature was pretty limited before, and I am really happy with the new version.

Connected to that, I also made some improvements to the public order confirmation page. It looks like a small thing, but I think it's important to make the confirmation page as good as possible. It shows the cutomer the current state of the order, and where the travel agents can get information to their customers in a streamlined way.