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2024 / Week 17

Two main themes for this week, both focued on making Trips even more powerful!

Application updates

  • Sort groups and products: Now it's possible to sort groups and products in the trip builder
  • Price example endpoints: New price example endpoint in the public api. Can be used to show a price example on a website or in an email
  • Bug fixes All the usual weekly bug fixes

Product updates

The main focus this week has been on the product updates. In the trip interface, the sorting of the groups was very simple. The trip producer had to manually enter an order index number for each group that would be used for sorting. This was not very user friendly and I wanted to make it easier to sort the groups.

Now the trip producer can drag and drop the groups to sort them. This is a much more user friendly way to sort the groups and I think it will make the trip builder much more powerful.

The products within the groups were made sortable as well, the were not sortable before. So now the trip producer can control the order of the products within the groups as well.

The public api that lives behind the booking process has a new endpoint that can be used to show a price example. A trip slug (a trip can't have the same slug and departure date) is sent to the endpoint with the number of participants to use in the price example.

This is a really powerful feature that can be used to show a price example on a website or in an email, and one of our clients is aldreay using this feature to show a price example on their website.