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2024 / Week 31

The olympics are here, and I have spent a lot of time watching these fantastic athletes compete. It's always so inspiring to see people at the top of their game, and the olympics are the best place to see that.

Released Updates

  • Trip Booking Conditions & Settings Moved some things around for the trip admin to add more possibilities
  • Bug fixes All the usual weekly bug fixes


With the end of summer vacations, I'm energized and ready for the pace to pick up again. I'm excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for us!

The Olympics have been on my mind lately. Seeing these incredible athletes, who dedicate so much to reach the pinnacle of their sport, is truly inspiring. Their hard work and determination light a fire in me to strive even harder toward my own goals.

I've received some questions about the booking process and settings for each trip. In response, I'm making changes to give my customers more control over their experience. I'm thrilled about these improvements and can't wait to see how they enhance our journey.

Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead! Let's make it great!