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A trip is made up of products. In Itsy there are ten different product types, most behave in a very similar manner. Mostly the difference is how products are displayed to the customer in the public booking process and in the order.


You can group trips together in a serie. This is useful for grouping trips that are related to each other. For example, a trip serie can be used to group all trips that are related to a specific event or a specific location.

Date display type

A product can have different date display types, this is used to display date (or date range) in different ways in the public booking process.

  • Date Display a single date.
  • Date range Display a date range (a start and end date).
  • Date and time Display a date and time.
  • Date range and time Display a date range and time (a start and end date with time).


  • Accessory Any type of accessory that can be added to a trip.
  • Accommodation Hotel accommodation is a very basic type of product type.
  • Activity An activity could be a day tour or a simple activity to inclue in the trip.
  • Flight Flights usually occur at the beginning and end of trips.
  • Markup This is a special product type. It can have a price but is never shown to the client, but is visible in the order inside Itsy. That way you can for instance have all the other products in the trip at cost, and just add a simple markup line with the markup you want for the trip.
  • Insurance Travel insurance.
  • Item Any type of item that can be added to a trip.
  • Rental Car Rental Car for any period during the trip.
  • Ticket Could be a concert ticket, museum admission or something similar.
  • Transportation Transport for the client, for instace between airport an hotel at the beginning and end of trips.

Rate calculation type

The price rate for a product in a trip can be calculated in two different ways.

  • Per unit A single price for the complete order, regardless of the number of participants in an order. Usually used for rental cars for example where the price is the same, regardless of the number of participants.
  • Per participant A price per participant in the order. This is the most common way to calculate the price of a product. For instance, a flight item is priced per participant.

Vat category

This is for informational purposes only. It is used to categorize the product for VAT reporting.


  • Name This is the name of the product. Used in the public booking process and order confirmation page.
  • Code A unique code that identifies the product.
  • Display text Informational text that is used in the public booking process with more information about the product. For instance, a flight product could have a display text that says "Flight from London to Paris".

Participant combinations

A product can be available for all participant combinations in an order. But this can be limited to a specific combination of participants. For instance, a product can be available for all combinations of participants, but another product can be limited to only adults.

This is useful for instance if you have a hotel room type that is only availble for a single adult and then another roomtype only available for two adults.

Occupancy restrictions

A product can have occupancy restrictions. This is useful for instance if you want to limit the number of bookings that can be created for a product. You can set a maximum number of participants in each age type (adults, children, infants), and then a total number of participant that can be booked for the product.


A product can have variants. This is useful for instance if you have a rental car in the booking process. You can have a single product for the rental car, but then have variants for different car types. For instance, a small car, a medium car and a large car. Each variant can have a different pricing, availability, participant combinations and occupancy restrictions.