Trips are a main way to sell in Itsy. A trip is made up of products and can be grouped together in a serie. A trip can be a single day trip or a multi-day, all customizable in the product setup.
Main properties
: The name of the trip.Code
: A shorter code for the trip, often used in reports as a more simple an unique identifier.Departure date
: The date the trip starts.Length
: Length of the trip.Slug
: A slug is a normalized version of the trip name, set when the trip is created. If a trip is connected to a serie, the slug will be a taken from the serie slug. A trip cannot share a slug with another trip and have the same departure date, as the public booking process depends on those two things to be unique.
Public booking process
The public booking process is where the customer can book a trip on their phone or desktop computer. It is a simple booking process that comes free with every instance of Itsy.
On the overview page of the trip interface, there are properties that control how the booking process works.
Price display
: Price can either be displayed as a total price or a price per person.Booking cotoff in hours
: If set, the trip can only be booked before the departure date (the default), subtracting the number of hours set.Allow confirmation price
: If set to true, the customer can pay a confirmation price to- secure their booking. The settings for this process are set on the workspace level.
Override confirmation amount
: If set to true, the trip can oveerride the default workspace setting for the confirmation amount. This is useful if the trip has a different confirmation amount than the workspace default.Overrice confirmation day count
: If set to true, the trip can override the default workspace setting for how many days before the trip departs the confirmation amount is available in the booking process.